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quickhr, hr, software, singapore - Sell & Buy Free Classified Ads & Local Classifieds


SGD 1.00
Posted: 2023-12-05

... More Computers & Software Ads - Performance Appraisal Software, Appraisals formats, Abundant performance, time efficient performanc, Management Empowerment, Seamless Integration

QuickHR’s Performance Appraisal module allows for the creation and generation of multiple Appraisal formats, catering to self-assessments, 180°, 360° and any other configurations (confirmation, promotion, etc.). Customisable by HR, we allow for the a...

Location: Paya Lebar, Singapore

SGD 1.00
Posted: 2023-12-05

... More Computers & Software Ads - work schedules, scheduling and rostering, schedule and shifts, Work Schedule Software, employee scheduling system, quickhr hr software singapore

Managing work schedules with rotating shifts has never been easier! With QuickHR, you can instantly modify and update work schedules and notify your employees - all in one place - for a more efficient and effective scheduling and rostering process. S...

Location: Paya Lebar, Singapore

SGD 1.00
Posted: 2023-12-05

... More Computers & Software Ads - mobile and tablet app, HR processes, employee data, claim management, attendance tracking, scheduling

Enjoy the ease and accessibility of day-to-day organization with QuickHR’s mobile and tablet app. From its multi-functionality to its minimalistic interface, users will be able to maximize their HR processes with a few easy steps. Reap the benefits o...

Location: Paya Lebar, Singapore

SGD 1.00
Posted: 2023-01-31

... More Computers & Software Ads - performance appraisal software singapore

QuickHR’s Performance Appraisal module allows for the creation and generation of multiple Appraisal formats, catering to self-assessments, 180°, 360° and any other configurations (confirmation, promotion, etc.). Customisable by HR, we allow for the a...

Location: Paya Lebar, Singapore

SGD 1.00
Posted: 2023-01-31

... More Computers & Software Ads - timesheet attendance software, attendance system

Time Attendance System Singapore Make manual timesheets a thing of the past with QuickHR’s Time and Attendance Software! Outfitted with end-to-end integration, businesses can benefit from a system that auto-syncs timesheets with a plethora of HR ...

Location: Paya Lebar, Singapore

SGD 1.00
Posted: 2023-01-11

... More Computers & Software Ads - expense claims, employee claims management system, online claims software, hr claims management system, hr software singapore, hr payroll software singapore

QuickHR Employee expense claims management system is an easy to use software that makes filing expense claims easier. QuickHR helps you avoid wasting time and money by providing you with a time-saving system for filing expense claims.

Location: Paya Lebar, Singapore

SGD 1.00
Posted: 2023-01-11

... More Computers & Software Ads - eleaves, leave management system, online leave management system singapore, employee leave management ssytem, hr leave management system, hr software singapore, payroll software singapore

QuickHR enables HR to focus on strategic HR initiatives. QuickHR is an HR e-leave management system that can be used by any organization that needs to manage an HR e-leave. This allows HR to focus on strategic HR initiatives.

Location: Paya Lebar, Singapore

SGD 1.00
Posted: 2023-01-11

... More Computers & Software Ads - employee database software, employee database system, hr employee database management, hrms software singapore, hr payroll software, hr database software singapore

The QuickHR employee database management system is a advanced HR software tool for HR professionals that lets you collect, store, and search data on your staff, at work and home. The system is designed to help you track and analyse the information of...

Location: Paya Lebar, Singapore

SGD 1.00
Posted: 2023-01-11

... More Computers & Software Ads - payroll software singapore, payroll system singapore, Payroll in singapore, payroll software, hr payroll software singapore

QuickHR payroll software is an easy-to-use payroll software for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and large enterprises. With this payroll software, it is easy to process the payroll for employees, manage payroll tax and get the latest updates for ...

Location: Paya Lebar, Singapore

SGD 1.00
Posted: 2023-01-11

... More Computers & Software Ads - hr, hr software singapore, hr software, hr payroll, HR software Singapre

QuickHR is a cloud-based HR software that helps large organizations in Singapore to manage their human resources. QuickHR helps employers to organize their employees, make better HR decisions, and streamline their payroll process.

Location: Paya Lebar, Singapore

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