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Styrofoam, compactor - California, United States Free Classified Ads & Local Classifieds


USD 50,000.00
Posted: 2022-03-09

... More Business Ads - EPS foam compactor, EPS, EPS, Polystyrene, Styrofoam

GREENMAX EPS foam compactor APOLO C100 are compactors used to handle waste loose EPS foam. Once the waste EPS foam is dropped off to the compactor, an onsite machine cuts the foam into small pieces and then cold-compacts it at a ratio of 50:1. IN...

Location: Ontario, United States

USD 65,000.00
Posted: 2020-09-24

... More Equipment & Tools Ads - styrofoam compactor, styrofoam, EPS recycling

With the development of economy and society, foam pollution do large harm to our environment. Fortunately, there is a foam compactor called GREENMAX which can dispose foam including EPS, XPS and PPS efficiently. And APOLO C300 is a type of GREENMAX t...

Location: Chino, United States

USD 40,000.00
Posted: 2020-09-24

... More Recycling Ads - styrofoam compactor, styrofoam recycling, EPS densifier

GREENMAX Styrofoam compactor APOLO C200 offers an intelligent and useful tool for recyclers. C200 can compact all kinds of materials, such as EPS, PSP, XPS and so on. Equipped with reputable SIEMENS, PHOENIX, SCHNEIDER, NSK components, C200 ensures g...

Location: Chino, United States

USD 45,000.00
Posted: 2020-05-09

... More Equipment & Tools Ads - Styrofoam densifier, Styrofoam recycling machine, foam recycling machine

GREENMAX MARS C200 Styrofoam densifier is a kind of high efficient foam melting machine. The machines are equipped with famous brand components, such as SIEMENS, PHOENIX, SCHNEIDER, etc. The melting technology enables continuous output at a ratio of ...

Location: Los Angeles, United States

USD 35,000.00
Posted: 2020-05-09

... More Equipment & Tools Ads - Styrofoam compactor, Styrofoam recycling machine, foam recycling

GREENMAX APOLO C100 Styrofoam compactor gives an intelligent and useful tool for recyclers. It can crush the large size of foam into pieces, and then compress it like a tight block. It can handle all kinds of waste foams, such as EPS, PSP, XPS and so...

Location: Los Angeles, United States

USD 45,000.00
Posted: 2020-04-17

... More Recycling Ads - Styrofoam recycling, Styrofoam compactor, Styrofoam recycling machine

GREENMAX APOLO C200 offers an intelligent and useful tool for recyclers. C200 can compact all kinds of materials, such as EPS, PSP, XPS and so on. Equipped with reputable SIEMENS, PHOENIX, SCHNEIDER, NSK components, C200 ensures great safety, reliabi...

Location: Chino, United States

USD 65,000.00
Posted: 2020-04-17

... More Equipment & Tools Ads - Styrofoam recycling, Styrofom shredder, foam recycling

With the development of economy and society, foam pollution do large harm to our environment. Fortunately, there is a foam compactor called GREENMAX which can dispose foam including EPS, XPS and PPS efficiently. And APOLO C300 is a type of GREENMAX t...

Location: Chino, United States

USD 45,000.00
Posted: 2020-04-17

... More Equipment & Tools Ads - polystyrene recycling, polystyrene compactor, polystyrene foam recycling

GREENMAX APOLO C200 offers an intelligent and useful tool for recyclers. C200 can compact all kinds of materials, such as EPS, PSP, XPS and so on. Equipped with reputable SIEMENS, PHOENIX, SCHNEIDER, NSK components, C200 ensures great safety, reliabi...

Location: California City, United States

USD 35,000.00
Posted: 2020-04-17

... More Equipment & Tools Ads - Styrofoam recycling, Styrofoam compactor, foam recycling, EPS recycling

Styrofoam compactor APOLO C100 can compact all kinds of EPS scraps and bulk EPS scarps into a compact size. The compactor machine can compact the volume of Styrofoam as 50:1. It’s similar to make a laptop become a small key of the keyboard. And compr...

Location: Chino, United States

USD 38,000.00
Posted: 2020-04-13

... More Equipment & Tools Ads - EPS densifier, EPS recycling machine, foam densifier

GREENMAX MARS C100 EPS densifier provides a great method to recycle waste foam by melting, and the available materials include EPS, XPS and EPE foam. The working process of an EPS densifier is first to pass through a conveyor belt to feed the...

Location: Los Angeles, United States

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