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Crystal, Bar, Chimes, Relaxation - United States Free Classified Ads & Local Classifieds


Posted: 2024-03-21

... More Health Ads - advanced therapy harp, therapy harp, power of harp therapy, relaxation, meditation, sound healing

Harp therapy, a form of sound healing, has been shown to help reduce pain and promote relaxation and stress relief. Music has been used for centuries to promote healing and relaxation. This technique uses specific frequencies and vibrations to allevi...

Location: Los Angeles, United States
No Photo

Posted: 2024-01-24

... More Health Ads - Temple of Light and Sound, harp therapy, therapy harp for sale, advanced therapy harp course, crystal chime, wind chimes with crystals

Crystal bar chimes are thought to have therapeutic properties, and the sound vibrations they produce are thought to improve mental and emotional well-being. They are commonly used in practises such as meditation, yoga, and sound healing to promote re...

Location: Los Angeles, United States

Posted: 2024-01-04

... More Health Ads - crystal bar chimes, Crystal Bar Chimes for Meditation, Crystal Bar Chimes for Relaxation, Bar Chimes for Every Musician, harp therapy, crystal bars

Experience deep meditation and healing with crystal bar chimes. Harness the resonant and soothing tones of crystal bar chimes to enhance your meditation practice, promote relaxation, and create a harmonious environment for healing and well-being. Exp...

Location: Los Angeles, United States

Posted: 2023-12-01

... More Health Ads - crystal bowl sound healing, spiritual mentoring, Harp Healing Therapy, melodic crystal bar chimes, crystal bar chimes, Crystal Bar Chimes for Relaxation

Experience harmonious melodies like never before with singing accompanied by enchanting harps and the soothing resonance of crystal singing bowls. Elevate your soul with this unique musical journey. Our comprehensive program combines music, meditatio...

Location: Los Angeles, United States

Posted: 2023-09-27

... More Health Ads - bar chimes, crystal chime, wind chimes with crystals, bar wind chimes, energy healing therapy, crystal bar chimes for sale

If you want to use crystal bar chimes for relaxation or meditation, there are several options available from various manufacturers and in various tunings. Experimenting with different tunings and playing techniques can help you discover the sounds th...

Location: Los Angeles, United States
No Photo

Posted: 2023-06-15

... More Health & Beauty Ads - crystal bar chimes, best crystal singing bowls, crystal bowl meditation, sound bowl therapy, wind chimes with crystals, shelly reef

Experience the enchanting and harmonious sounds of melodic crystal bar chimes. Crafted with precision and care, these chimes produce soothing melodies that promote relaxation, meditation, and inner peace. Enhance your environment with the ethereal so...

Location: Los Angeles, United States

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